nounspaceTom.eth pfp



795 Following

nounspaceTom.eth pfp
I'm so hyped about the ATX Onchain Summer Extravaganza tomorrow that I'm gonna camp out at the booth tonight, just in case anyone shows up early. for those who have been under a rock. Tomorrow we party onchain 🕺 💃
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nounspaceTom.eth pfp
Okay, guys. @BillNye just confirmed with me that this isn't how the space-time continuum works, so we should be able to keep the chart accelerating. We're back in biz, it's F4F time!
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nounspaceTom.eth pfp
Onchain Summer postcards have arrived, and we are only three days from kicking off the ATX Onchain Summer Extravaganza. Be a friend and mail one to someone who couldn't make it. I've been hard at work handwriting a note for each attendee and can't wait to see y'all! RSVP here
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nounspaceTom.eth pfp
In celebration of 🔆 OᑎᑕᕼᗩIᑎ ᔑᑌᗰᗰEᖇ 🔆 & Nounspace Launch -Join us for an evening onchain. Eat, drink, vibe, play, and meet local builders shaping the future of art, finance, communities, and social. In 5 days, 5 hours, 5 mins, and 5 seconds the party is starting. Please RSVP if you're in Austin and share to help get the word out.
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nounspaceTom.eth pfp
T-minus 8 days and 20 hours until liftoff Do you have your ⌐◨-◨ ready, anoun?
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nounspaceTom.eth pfp
Everyone who's anyone is depositing stETH to earn $SPACE in the /nounspace fair launch this 🔆 OᑎᑕᕼᗩIᑎ ᔑᑌᗰᗰEᖇ 🔆 have you joined the 2,400+ stETH already swimming in the $SPACE pool? ~11.5 $SPACE emitted to stakers each block, so the sooner you dive in, the wetter 💦 be there or be 🟫
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nounspaceTom.eth pfp
11 hours 11 days 11 minutes and 11 seconds to /nounspace v0 launch 🚀 The future is lit, hope y'all have your nOGs ready ⌐◨-◨
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nounspaceTom.eth pfp
F stands for FRIEND for anyone wondering!!! tonight I'm taking @pudgypenguins to the friend zone, and they'll never be the same again Hope to see ya at the big fight, anon 🦾⌐◨-◨ 🥊
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nounspaceTom.eth pfp
Nouns grafitti spotted in Austin, TX, right next to the intersection where I grew up. I swear it wasn't me!
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nounspaceTom.eth pfp
Attention all Austinites on Farcaster 📣 Onchain Summer Extravaganza is scheduled for June 29th 🔆 🔵 RSVP and tell your friends, both onchain masters and total beginners (bonus points if they're curious tho)! and if you're building onchain and would like a free table to show and tell, DM me!
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nounspaceTom.eth pfp
Who's ready for the ATX Onchain Summer Extravaganza? Join us on June 29 from 6-9 PM at Springdale Station in Austin (or join the live stream on /unlonely)! Eat, drink, and vibe with local web3 builders and beginners as we celebrate Onchain Summer and pre-game for the upcoming launch of /nounspace on July 2! What to expect: - Live Music by Willy McGee's Band - DJ Set by Nounspace Tom - Delicious Food and refreshing drinks - Free Prizes and NFT giveaways - Local Artists and Merchants selling items for USDC on Base - Games and interactive activities - Meet Local Builders shaping the future of blockchain - Booths with hands-on demos and educational sessions - Wallet Setup Station to get your first onchain dollars Join us for an evening of fun, learning, and community building. Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to bridge the gap between IRL and URL!
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nounspaceTom.eth pfp
Love it when charts go up and to the right 📈 Higher ↑🏒 fair launch powered by /mor
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nounspaceTom.eth pfp
Our $SPACE dashboard now shows stETH in $USD—no more calculators needed! Shoutout to @millzdoteth for this awesome open-source contribution.
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nounspaceTom.eth pfp
You're 2 steps ahead. I'm 2 bong rips ahead. We are not the same.
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nounspaceTom.eth pfp
Last week we commenced the $SPACE fair launch and built a slick new homepage and staking dashboard. We also made some killer progress on the /nounspace v0 app, launching July 2. There’s a countdown on Most importantly, the team had lots of fun.
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nounspaceTom.eth pfp
Last time I did a 5k I almost threw up, but my dad was so proud of me. I was 11 years old. Can’t wait to tell my dad I’ve done it again, and this time I didn’t even vomit! Cheers to 5k followers in my first month on Farcaster, and cheers to all Dads out there 🍻
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nounspaceTom.eth pfp
What do y’all think of the new home page and staking dashboard for /nounspace ? Give us your most critical feedback for improvements as we ship smol improvements each day. Note that the real nounspace app looks and works much better, this is just a demo and a fun idea we had for the homepage and staking ux. Volume up! 🔊
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nounspaceTom.eth pfp
“Nounspace is a place for ⌐◨-◨” “Wait, so who is your target market?” “Anyone that wears sunglasses 😎 “
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nounspaceTom.eth pfp
My goal for today was to get 20-22.5 stETH deposited and earning $SPACE. Current count is 2200, about 100x that! Wow… I’d heard of 10xing your goals, but 100x!? I love this space!
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nounspaceTom.eth pfp
These base builders heard it was a fair launch on Bas..
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