zico pfp
licensing & copyright issues are probably one of the bigger hurdles in driving wider adoption of nfts future creators will have to opt for an independent route instead of traditional backing by a bigger company, don't know if that'll happen is anyone working on something to address licensing & copyright for nfts?
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Nounish Prof āŒā—§-ā—§šŸŽ© pfp
Nounish Prof āŒā—§-ā—§šŸŽ©
What do you mean? Copyright works the same with digital works. In terms of licensing, Iā€™m looking forward to seeing how Overpass works for Pudgy Penguins. They are trying to solve the licensing challenge for their holders. ļæ¼(holders can license their pengus back to the team for toys etc)
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zico pfp
am thinking about it in terms of physical items that could come from owning the nft e.g. musician/bands that allow the owner to print t shirts of the nft (which is a little more complex & something I'm still thinking through) but I didn't know about overpass, gonna do a deeper dive into them & learn more
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