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Noun 40
this is one of the reflections i have after trying to build consensus around $nouns for the past few weeks / months it’s just very hard which made me wonder what things you really need dao consensus for. if you need funding or you need the dao to deploy then ofc but maybe $nouns could get started without?
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The DAOs unwillingness to work together on this is making me kinda bearish ngl. I’m hopeful but I’ve definitely lost some excitement seeing the outcome of these 2 proposals. To me a “canonical” token is more about aligning attention than being official.
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Of course I would love to see experimentation in this area but $nouns and $⌐◨-◨ feels functionally the same with some governance on top, something that would have paired really nicely with $nouns. People have already been confused with $nogs and $nouns I worry we won’t be able to gain momentum with all of these
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Noun 40
they aren’t the same tho. one wants gov voting and fractional art from day one and one doesn’t think it’s a day one item. if this was ethereum these two props are definitely different enough to be two different eips.
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I know they aren’t the same, but the dev side of my brain sees the fact that $⌐◨-◨ is technically a superset of $nouns and that same outcome could be achieved if we worked together and utilized the blockchains best feature, composability. 1/2
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