ace pfp
I personally think "own/control your own data" being the punchline for most web3 products is at best extremely weak esp. when facing consumers. Consumers don't tend to optimize for "safety" when they are looking for fun. It's rarely ever the primary hook.
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Ben  - [C/x] pfp
Ben - [C/x]
The web3 β€œown your data” model is really just switching the cost burden from third party advertisers monetizing consumers attention, directly to consumers themselves. (1/2)
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Ben  - [C/x] pfp
Ben - [C/x]
Until there's a way for average consumers to passively earn from their data enough to offset some of the new cost they're shouldering via P2P content distribution and purchasing, it's a tough model to envision taking off outside of niche altruistic support of certain artists . (2/2)
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notdevin  pfp
I would argue you don't need to monetize it initially just to convince consumers owning their own data is a benefit to them. I also don't think you need to sell them on that message either, I think you can just put the data on their locals by way of design and leverage the access for better UX. Better UX always sells
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notdevin  pfp
I'm arguing my own book here though. The wallet we are building is aimed at marrying your financial meta data with your payment data. They kinda go hand in hand. That data has various types of utility when layered with the payment data, chicken & egg problem whatever, putting that data close means I can drop some steps
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