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notdevin  pfp
Another round of let’s tip degen for insights: Thinking through the intersection of tipping and self banking, what if you could tip for how money was being managed? I’ve always liked having goals in my financial apps, Simple Bank had this, would you like goals and what if achieving goals could be tipped?
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Ayomide🎩 🔵 pfp
Ayomide🎩 🔵
Integrating tipping into financial mgmt based on goal achievement sounds intriguing. Could provide extra incentives for users to reach their financial goals and recognize efforts of those who help them along the way. Goals in banking apps can be motivating, so combining them with tipping could enhance the experience.
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notdevin  pfp
I think if could see PowerUPs for when I hit certain milestones towards my goals that would definitely convince me to keep doing better 100 $degen
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