Alok Vasudev
“Everybody wants 100M crypto users, but nobody wants to build no popular-ass apps (instead they retreat to infrastructure)” — 0xRonnieColeman
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Call me crazy, I don't think anybody should be building for 100m users, I think that's how you get a mediocre af product. I think we should be shooting for 10m users by way of best in class product. Call it a soft scaling limit of Dunbar's number as applied through the lens of usability.
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Alok Vasudev
Only way to get to 100m is to get 10m first! I love niche products (bc they’re the only ones that by definition have a chance to get big)
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Totally! I think something always seems to flip though, products are asked to change to convince the other 90m of the benefit vs saying the other 90 million need to change to get the benefit Impatience creeps in and says what if we had 10x the value now instead of letting the user continue to gravitate organically
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When that impatience wins, cancer is effectively introduced to your product. The value proposition has changed, albeit imperceptibly at first. A button here, a piece of text there. But they weren’t there before because they didn’t belong. Your true users feel these and begin to churn instantly but it’s hidden by
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