David Vorick
Been thinking a lot about carbon credits lately. A key issue is credibility - how do I know that money spent on carbon credits has actually induced change, rather than rewarding someone who was going to do the same thing anyway? Lots of already profitable solar installations also receive subsides, which is wasteful.
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Not sure the model of, you get credits but only if you weren’t planning on doing this project, would have any supporters
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David Vorick
The model increases value to people buying carbon credits, because it increases confidence that the carbon credit purchase is actually making a difference in the world.
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I don’t actually trust the credits more if they’re only provided to people who are only doing the project because of the credits. Subsidies like this bring in grifters, a real project with merit has to work without a subsidy or the model has no chance of survival.
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David Vorick
If the project works without subsidies, then the subsidies are fully irrelevant aren't they?
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