Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
PSA for future "shock images" Warpcast will nerf folks for explicit images. It's not deterministic, our judgement. This isn't a court. - I'll ask the user to delete the cast - If they don't, I'll nerf on Warpcast To be clear: the cast exists at the protocol. Similar to websites, Google doesn't have to index you.
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Jason Goldberg  pfp
Jason Goldberg
Not picking a fight. Genuinely curious. (And ❤️ debate) If users have option to unfollow, hide, mute, block, why does client need to nerf? So long as it’s not harming or threatening another person, why take such a heavy hand? I’m not saying you are wrong, just trying to understand your logic and policy.
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Landon pfp
Not Dan, but I think content that goes for that “shock” content, i.e. gore, violence, etc… can be easily harmful to others just in terms of triggering bad past memories, causing flashbacks, etc… just not helpful to the overall vibe. Unfollowing/hiding/etc… requires first being exposed to said content
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notdevin  pfp
Not disagreeing with the outcomes, but it's not the responsibility of a public space to make sure all potential triggers are known and accounted for. Existing in the world involves trauma and recounting trauma. The mind is the only place to create safe space, not an app
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