notdevin  pfp
I need someone who’s sane to explain to me how Ordinals aren’t the undoing of bitcoin after reading this Ordinal Theory doc. 1) If I’m understanding this, satoshis are being made non-fungible and if successful to the max, would consume all fungibility of the chain
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notdevin  pfp
Ordinals are another form of 51% attack, very loosely speaking. To assume that you can have both modalities on a finite chain with no repercussions seems naive, again, I could be smoking crack here. BTCs value is to create a standard of relative valuation. Now that function has cancer is all I see.
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notdevin  pfp
Ordinals have made me more bullish on eth and I’m not chain maxi. I’ll still personally value ownership over BTC to be higher for awhile. The argument that “number so big” for why satoshis can be converted to NFT seems to be the same mistake as using a signed 32bit int for YouTube likes, fine until it’s not
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_slow_crypto 🎩🤷‍♂️ pfp
_slow_crypto 🎩🤷‍♂️
Could you explain the 32bit YouTube point. (Plenty behind the times on the rest of the Ordinals stuff so can’t really help there either.)
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notdevin  pfp
Nobody thought any video would get 2.14.. billion likes There are 21 quadrillion satoshis so a quick argument is there are plenty to go around for all the ordinal usage. The counter argument is that ordinal minting is rate limited, but then I don’t see how they have real utility because they’re slow
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notdevin  pfp
Best argument I heard so far, on Twitter, was they will be what extends the value for mining past the last mint. Ok, but then that’s argument against a store of value because it’s now converted into a totally different thing. Counter to that, would be it’s nothing more than deflationary so it’ll increase..
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