Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨ pfp

Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨


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Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨ pfp
Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨
Everybody is going zkML when we haven't solved zkSQL :')
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Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨ pfp
Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨
Shill me the best projects on Optimism & Base, build open source in the open. Or infra relevant to the OP stack ecosystem! Has to be somewhat OP specific.
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Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨ pfp
Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨
People who say crypto has no use cases don't get it. The use case is decentralizing what already exists. It's avoiding the terrible experience that is being a YouTube creator & the algorithm that makes you dumber. It's about avoiding abusive censorship on social networks. It's about games you can't shut down.
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Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨ pfp
Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨
What's a cast & how can I fertilize my crops?
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Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨ pfp
Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨
Anybody heard about "node sales"? It came up twice in the past few days.
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Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨ pfp
Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨
Overheard: What is dream? Dream is price.
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Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨ pfp
Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨
Overheard today: "casino games are one of the most interesting things to study".
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Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨ pfp
Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨
The manly urge to shitpost.
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Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨ pfp
Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨
Roblox & Minecraft mods are the closest thing offchain, but think about something like this but without Microsoft or Roblox corp as gatekeepers. Also incentives for creators (or just simply the ability for them to monetize how they see fit, without overhead).
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Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨ pfp
Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨
Extensibility! Just integrating money in a game, and the whole "play-to-earn" shenanigans ain't it. The real value in on-chain value will be seamless extensibility (or even composability) and letting player designs their own game experiences, for themselves and others.
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Julien Coppola pfp
Julien Coppola
🔴 Incroyable 1er meetup !194515 #Belgium en compagnie de @latruite @norswap & @maximeservais ! 📸 Merci à tous pour cette soirée mémorable. Les photos sont en ligne, ne les ratez pas ! Tu reconnais un frens à toi ? N'hésite pas à le taguer 👇🏻
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Ayush pfp
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Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨ pfp
Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨
Same, seems really fun to be able to play sthing when you want. Other creative ones too: getting good at singing, dancing, ...
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Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨ pfp
Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨
Lifting, can attest from personal experience. Wearing a well-fitting suit really does wonders in some circles. Shoes that add to your height if you're on the short side.
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Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨ pfp
Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨
My point was that the heterogeneity problem is not fully solved outside crypto, so I'm not sure why people insist it *must* be solved in crypto. In crypto, the security assumptions have a lot more variation than Visa-Amex-Mastercard too. There are solutions, but you certainly will want to know where your assets are.
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Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨ pfp
Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨
You're way in the future: amex is not accepted in a lot of places & two of the three cards (Visa & Mastercard) I carry get routinely rejected in places accross the world (not the same). It happened once they wouldn't take any of the three 😅
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Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨ pfp
Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨
Not every store accepts every kind of credit card (or debit cards, for that matter)
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Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨ pfp
Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨
Having read a bit more on it, I think the undiscriminate killing of civilians by Hamas is a new element.
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Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨ pfp
Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨
Curious to see if incumbents can keep up with innovations fast enough. Their track record is abysmal.
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Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨ pfp
Norswap 🏴‍☠️✨
My retort is always: we can't abstract over credit cards today. Chains are much more heterogeneous than those - and it's worse for bridges. I doubt we can abstract over those - it just wouldn't be safe or wise. Or you need something like crypto FDIC insurance.
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