Connor McCormick pfp
Connor McCormick
Does anyone know why Optimism says that the right amount to reward public goods is with profit equal to impact? I'm trying to ground that idea Is there anyone from Optimism here on farcaster?
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Mike | Abundance pfp
Mike | Abundance
Don't know what's Optimism's reasoning but one intuition is that if private goods are a p2p exchange based on their value to individuals, public goods are a p2e exchange (peer-to-ecosystem) so the pubic good should be exchanged for how much it impacts the whole ecosystem
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moreReese pfp
I don't have much Optimism context, but my initial impression is it reminds me of the Satoshi Nakamoto quote about the price of a commodity gravitating toward its production costs.
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7858 pfp
I wonder if @binji.eth is that Binji
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Stas pfp
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m_j_r pfp
imho, opposite interpretation to the possibility of toll-gating a public good to extract actual market value via revealed consumer preference. but I wouldn't say profit, it'd be growth of the entire market that's attributable to that, and that's really only one definition of "how good" in finance, not other terms.
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bchow pfp
seems like an intuitive ideal to strive for "value received = value provided"
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