Avi 💙 pfp
Avi 💙
58% of American adults have heard of ChatGPT, but only 14% have used it, according to a new Survey from the Pew Research Center. 14% seems pretty high. More deets: https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/05/24/a-majority-of-americans-have-heard-of-chatgpt-but-few-have-tried-it-themselves/
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nir.eth 🌿🟣🐦☁️ pfp
nir.eth 🌿🟣🐦☁️
Feels low to me actually
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Connor McCormick ~ jtrending pfp
Connor McCormick ~ jtrending
yeah I don't know a single person that hasn't used it. maybe my grandfather
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Alberto Ornaghi pfp
Alberto Ornaghi
Remember that we all live in our echo chamber. Obviously all my tech friends has used it. But other social bubbles may have missed the entire LLM topic completely.
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Avi 💙 pfp
Avi 💙
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nir.eth 🌿🟣🐦☁️ pfp
nir.eth 🌿🟣🐦☁️
Still, didn’t they have 100m downloads first week? You’d imagine more than 70m Americans had used it by now
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Avi 💙 pfp
Avi 💙
Well, it’s also a case that some folks downloaded, prompt it poorly, assume it’s not useful and leave it at that. That’s been another thing I’ve observed.
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Connor McCormick ~ jtrending pfp
Connor McCormick ~ jtrending
also the world is a big place, and 100m users could include duplicate accounts (e.g. I have 3)
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Alberto Ornaghi pfp
Alberto Ornaghi
Also 100m over the entire world is not a big number. It was if you consider only US, but 100m over 8b is nothing. It’s just the tech global social bubble.
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