Katsuya pfp
Copilot is great but I think the media overstates how much productivity gain it's giving software engineers. Let's just say it's true that it's writing ~50% of the code but it's not the same as only need half the size of engineering team - most of our time is spent on not writing code.
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Brandon pfp
copilot is barely even good at coding in my experience. i can only use it reliably for boilerplate that i have to explicitly prompt it with. also with writing documentation it can help me finish sentences, but it has no ability to predict what the function does after i wrote it unless i start the docs myself
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alex pfp
My SO uses GPT-4 via Chat GPT Plus and says it’s exponentially better. Perhaps when they release Copilot X it’s worth another shot
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Brandon pfp
yeah honestly i don’t want help writing code (code is the spec, people forget this) what i think would be good is the following: - suspicious code detector i.e. “there’s probably a bug here” - doc helper for functions and modules - example generator - natural language debugger
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Connor McCormick ~ jtrending pfp
Connor McCormick ~ jtrending
ah this is such a good point. Imagine a product where you chat about what you want to build and it simultaneously creates the spec and writes the code. damn now I want to build that
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Connor McCormick ~ jtrending pfp
Connor McCormick ~ jtrending
@kazi this needs to exist (idk if vertical is the one to make it tho)
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