Katsuya pfp
Copilot is great but I think the media overstates how much productivity gain it's giving software engineers. Let's just say it's true that it's writing ~50% of the code but it's not the same as only need half the size of engineering team - most of our time is spent on not writing code.
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Connor McCormick ~ jtrending pfp
Connor McCormick ~ jtrending
Copilot is not really that great. Not compared to GPT-4.
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Alex Palmer pfp
Alex Palmer
Yup. I just got access to Copilot Chat (nightly), curious how that compares.
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Danny pfp
Using both works well. Have GPT generate a class, module, component etc. Then tweak/polish it in editor with co-pilot assist (it has more context about the project). I used this last week and it saved me quite a bit of boilerplate work. The tools will continue to get better.
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