Connor McCormick ~ jtrending pfp
Connor McCormick ~ jtrending
@dwr.eth I know monetization is down the road but I’d pay a couple bucks a month today for a historical archive of all my casts. Bonus points if I could also manually tag other people’s casts to put in my archive too
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Elie pfp
Could be a good idea to put a proposal for it on Purple. I’m sure someone would be interested to build it. And could fund itself potentially. What would you be after in an archive that you don’t get from scrolling the app?
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Andy Jagoe pfp
Andy Jagoe
someone will permissionlessly build if there's enough demand searchcaster and alertcaster both have deep indexes of casts (beyond FC protocol) and could contribute older casts
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Cameron Armstrong pfp
Cameron Armstrong
@moar storage for casts user
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greys ↑ pfp
greys ↑
I don’t think this is too far down the road. Theoretically, already possible, and to a certain degree it’s already being done just doesn’t have the front-end to make you feel like you’re having this experience and rails to exchange money with service. Hubs make these use-cases perfect.
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John Hoang pfp
John Hoang
What was the plans for monetization again?
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