Jonny Mack pfp
Jonny Mack
lotterycaster: an fc client that a) requires $1 in ETH deposit from all users every 24hrs, b) randomly picks a lucky winner who must, c) claim the prize within n minutes before d) the clock resets and e) the process repeats. just read that back and oh god please no one make this
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Jonny Mack pfp
Jonny Mack
okay, a better version: all that except the funds go to a public goods project of the winner’s choosing. less dirty
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Mac Budkowski 🥝 pfp
Mac Budkowski 🥝
Sounds like some crazy version of PoolTogether
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meesh pfp
You have a magically strange and wonderful brain
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mk pfp
They did something like on the sets of "House M.D" and the crew seemed to love it. Each week they took $5 from everyone and put everyone's name in bucket. A name was pulled from the bucket and they got the bucket of money. I wanted to do this on Solana with $5, but distracted.
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tjark pfp
I guess you could actually do that with @pooltogether + prize hooks. Call it "Burn Out"
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PoolTogether pfp
Don’t try this at home
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