Jonny Mack pfp
Jonny Mack
gm limited edition @fabric x @blobs beanie is now available to mint: if youโ€™ve contributed to a campaign, youโ€™re on the presale allowlist and can mint 4 free
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Jonny Mack pfp
Jonny Mack
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Greg pfp
ayyy it happened! central park convo to shipped in no time ๐Ÿค
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annoushka pfp
I want but canโ€™t find a way to contribute. Can I search for campaigns created by others?
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ChrisCoCreated โ†‘๐ŸŽฉ pfp
ChrisCoCreated โ†‘๐ŸŽฉ
So if I hold one of these my blob can wear it, is that right?
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Colin @ FarCon pfp
Colin @ FarCon
Both mobile and desktop are refusing to mint for some reason :( no error message, no indication something is wrong, just no action after hitting 'mint presale'
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pugson pfp
i gots the drip
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
Love!!! ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐ŸŒพ
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