Content pfp
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Jonny Mack pfp
Jonny Mack
designers, when user is connected to eth mainnet, but your app is on L2, which pattern do you prefer? 1. prompt network switch immediately on page visit 2. wait until user initiates an onchain action 3. something else
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Jesse Pollak 🔵 pfp
Jesse Pollak 🔵
just make it work as if there were no networks :)
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Greg pfp
2 But ideally check if they have enough ETH on said L2 before promting the switch- and if not, let them bridge as part of the flow or even combine the transactions
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six pfp
Not a designer but as a user I feel I should be able to read any info without switching networks. And then once I want to do a txn it should prompt a switch
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antimo 🎩 pfp
antimo 🎩
3 - prominent L2 warning - wait until onchain action to prompt switch
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Lubo pfp
User clicks key action - display warning and button below it “switch” You tell them essentially why they’re switching the network
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Zeronium pfp
Prompt switch on connection. You’re already interrupting by asking to connect, the switch is mostly quite graceful and quick, so no real burden. That said, this changes dramatically depending on the type of application and the wallet support/experience.
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Connor McCormick pfp
Connor McCormick
i don't care what network it's on I care about ease and gas fees
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dthinks pfp
Switch it for me, then notify me that you switched it. Web3 already has alot of button pressing
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scottrepreneur pfp
2, basically. Let them do as much as possible before requiring
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Cyber Shakti 🎩💃👍in SFO pfp
Cyber Shakti 🎩💃👍in SFO
We support fetching nfts deom all evms - and don’t require users to switch network to access or remix them
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max ⚡ pfp
max ⚡
Not all wallets support #1, so you need a combination of patterns
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jp  🦊🎩 pfp
jp 🦊🎩
I decided to just switch it on the background without the user ever reading the word chain or network. Really, what does a non web3 user that logged in with her email care about that? If I explain it, I lose them. It’s a price that I was willing to pay, to explore the consequences.
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notdevin  pfp
Why are they connected on eth if they should be on L2?
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julien pfp
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Stas pfp
We show a message prompting user to switch the wallet. At least until chain can't be switched automatically. The dapp works fine without changing the wallet though.
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