From 'The Philistines' episode:'Corporate Park,Part 3: The Interview' The guide bot lead the group out of the break room, down a long hallway and into another room. This room was a little smaller with a long window panel that separated the room from the hallway. Inside was a long rounded rectangular table surrounded by rolling chairs. On the table were three pods. Some cables came out of the pods each of which ran down regularly spaced holes in the table and across the floor. On the long wall across from the window was a large old-style pre-Collapse flat panel video monitor. The monitor was turned on and displaying a variety of scenic views that switched at regular intervals. “This was called a conference room,” the guide bot explained. “Many important decisions were made in rooms like this. Decisions that could affect the very life and death of companies like this one. Very important problems were solved by the heroic and dedicated engineers and technicians who worked in companies like this one.”
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