nnh pfp



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nnh pfp
What product do you love (actually love, not just tolerate) for keeping track of user/product feedback? All attempts to evolve inevitably lead me back to the warm embrace of Google Sheets, but hope springs eternal.
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nnh pfp
Always been partial to https://youtu.be/FBv9hQwoB-s
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nnh pfp
One counterpoint is YouTube’s popularity as a search engine with a video/UGC-based corpus. Effectively #2 globally and in some emerging markets where apps>web (eg SEA) it’s actually the preferred entrypoint for search amongst younger users. “How to x” is one of the most common query types, etc.
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nnh pfp
https://floatingpoints.bandcamp.com/album/promises https://corntuth.bandcamp.com/album/the-desert-is-paper-thin both excellent & with beautiful vinyls
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nnh pfp
don't forget the legendary "phygital"
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nnh pfp
Lasso Labs (https://www.lassolabs.xyz/) is hiring for a bunch of roles incl. eng, design, & bd. Top priority rn: a strong front-end engineer. Link to post: https://lassolabs.notion.site/Senior-Frontend-Engineer-646c09e8e89449b5939c7d905718851f ping if interested!
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