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am i drinking too much koolaid or is this a perfect use case for smart contracts?
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seemingly yes but what does a smart contract offer here that hinge can’t [genuine question] also respect to this guy just giving away a genius idea
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Nate Maddrey
Yeah I don’t think smart contracts would add enough of a marginal benefit here. In theory it makes sense but in reality you could trust Hinge (or whatever dating app) to give you your money back 99% of the time, so you wouldn’t get a huge benefit of added trust from smart contracts. Plus the additional UX and engineering hurdles would make it not really worth it
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Smart contracts inherently don’t negatively affect UX. It’s more about the wallet apps like Metamask. But now with account abstraction and sponsored gas, you can completely bypass the wallet apps to make silky smooth UX.
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Nate Maddrey
Right but there’s still a hurdle for the average person (non-crypto user) getting onboarded with crypto, even if you can bypass clunky wallet apps. In this case where a big majority of most dating app users are probably not using crypto it would be negative EV for them to use crypto for this when there’s basically no marginal benefit
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