Brian Armstrong pfp
Brian Armstrong
Hello @jessepollak and Faryar Shirzad
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
Hope this topic was on the docket: Rebrand “web3” —> “onchain”
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Noah Bragg 🐟🥔 pfp
Noah Bragg 🐟🥔
Interesting proposal. What do you have against the name web3?
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
1. Avg consumer doesnt know what "web2" is. That's an insider thing. 2. "onchain" is like the new "online" – it's a state with a value proposition. 3. I can see my 65 y/o dad saying "but is that onchain? and not "but is that web3?" 4. "chain" speaks to a fundamental technical property. "3" is wholly conventional.
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Bozo.eth pfp
Definitely. Onchain makes a lot of sense. Even conceptually when we as developers are designing a system, usually we're thinking about which parts go onchain and which parts can be put offchain. It's good branding and describes what is happening underneath pretty well.
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