nix pfp



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nix pfp
Best thing about coming back to frontend dev after a couple of years is that all the features I hated not being able to use back then are now widely supported.
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nix pfp
p5js + midi controller to change traits + plotter
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nix pfp
The Uniswap book is a true treasure; goes through rebuilding all parts of V3 from the ground up:
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nix pfp
There seems to be a significant about of push back and concerns being expressed about EIP-3074 after a it being scheduled, as if a bunch of people were taking buy surprise. Has this happened before with other proposals? Feels like a failure of the governance process.
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nix pfp
Should I be able to mint on highlight mobile with my rainbow wallet? It only shows me MetaMask and Coinbase.
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nix pfp
Is there a way to compile Solidity to bytecode without wrapping it in a contract? Like, literally compile `5 + 5`, to be executed on top of an EVM VM?
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nix pfp
I don’t think there is a single NFT marketplace that supports smart contract wallets. In fact, is there any dApp at all that implements EIP 1271 for their login?
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nix pfp
Transferred an NFT on mainnet tonight. $1.72 at 9 gwei. Who needs base?
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nix pfp
I noticed one of my wallets is labeled "Uncommon NFT collector" and I thought this signifies my exquisite taste, but turns out it means top 10% NFT transactions by count, which is in fact sad because I don't even really use it that much.
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nix pfp
It's true that the ETH data access store is not great, and most apps use an indexer, but it's an indexer that can run against any node, including a self-hosted one; no events will make block explorers more opaque; it will make it harder to read closed-source contracts, which more be more likely not not emit events.
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nix pfp
It's a bit weird that Solana's RPC includes hyper-specific methods like "getTokenLargestAccounts". What if I want the top 25 instead of the top 20? Why does this belong into the official node API?
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nix pfp
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nix pfp
@emodi Is it possible to do a custom smart contract, but still have a highlight mint page?
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nix pfp
People keep complaining about Python packaging, but I've never really had much trouble (as a user, or package creator). Meanwhile, I am once again having two conflicting copies of a package in my node_modules (viem today, usually it's react).
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nix pfp
Seems like we'll soon need a for the EVM ecosystem.
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nix pfp
Very curious that the Lido stETH and the RocketPool rETH token addresses both start with 0xae7
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nix pfp
have it show the reputation of each unfollow so I can tell how bad I should feel about it
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nix pfp
I hear it’s impossible to find a decent flat white in Paris.
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nix pfp
Wonder to what extent low fees post 4844 will affect the ability for nft platforms to sneak a $3 minting fee by users.
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nix pfp
Framedl 2024-03-14 5/6 🟨⬜⬜⬜⬜ ⬜🟩⬜⬜⬜ ⬜🟩⬜⬜🟨 ⬜🟩🟩🟩🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩
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