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How can we have a useful /flying token? I have an idea for something fun, more on this very very soon. ❤️ if you're interested
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Ok, so first important thing, a token but only if it provides something that can't be done without a token
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What can an erc20 token do that nothing else can? - can be traded anywhere anytime - no one can prevent you from using it - doesn't expire or disappear with time - can be self custodied - can be transferred easily almost for free - has a track record - can be used in automation - easy to check you're a holder - only requirement is internet connection and a device with a crypto wallet What else?
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Now what can we do with that about flying? Flying can be about: - discovering flight and piloting - learning how to pilot - flying for fun - flying for sport - flying for travel - ... What would a token do in this? Pay for the hour? You can do that without a token. Prove partial ownership of a plane? Perhaps NFTs would be better for that, a token is fungible. Reward users, like miles? Maybe but it means pilots or plane owners would have to have a large supply of the token to distribute. With Clanker, clanker owns the pool and users have to buy. So a non bot generated token? I'm thinking out loud in this thread, your comments are welcome.
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