NickyZwrites pfp



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NickyZwrites pfp
I've been in the trad submission trenches for about two years and right now my take on becoming a published writer is: 1. accolades - doubtful 2. money - HAHAHAHA YOU'RE KIDDING RIGHT 3. fame - highly doubtful My wishlist has been reduced to and even this seems insurmountable sometimes: 1. Get a publication deal. Any publication deal. 2. Get even a handful of true fans.
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NickyZwrites pfp
Why is this in the Writers channel?
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NickyZwrites pfp
It occurred to me today that some people don't think there's a difference between the act of plotting vs the act of writing. To me they are worlds apart. Left brain vs right brain. Strategy vs execution. Best done in separate sessions. Then again, I've never been a pantser and can't even fathom how one could just write as you go. :D
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NickyZwrites pfp
I mostly aim for traditional publication (journals and competitions), which usually requires your pieces to be unpublished, including online. So I actually can't post my writing online unless I'm certain it's ready to die. :D But now I'm starting to think of self-publishing and wondering how best to build a brand. Do you like Substack?
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NickyZwrites pfp
On a spreadsheet, as a dot point summary, not as prose. I find plotting and execution to be two entirely different exercises, using different parts of the brain, and don't like to mix them up.
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NickyZwrites pfp
The first half of R F Kuang's The Poppy War gave me massive TNOTW vibes but then the second half kinda veered off somewhere... entirely different. Not sure I'd recommend it. Rothfuss is in a league of his own.
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NickyZwrites pfp
That's great! Do you think you can make anything out of these old ideas? I have various physical notebooks and electronic text documents scattered around my creative spaces. Occasionally I stumble across them and go "that's an interesting idea!" Then I go away and don't start anything because I am very, very lazy.
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NickyZwrites pfp
I know I need to check out Substack and possibly start putting some work on there, but I'm so paralysed by new platforms. Any tips for a Substack newbie?
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NickyZwrites pfp
That's an interesting approach, I might try it, thanks! I usually don't start writing until I have a full scene-by-scene outline which is pretty much the opposite of the above, but it might get the juices flowing enough to figure out what I want to do.
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NickyZwrites pfp
Great. Now I'm freaking depressed.
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NickyZwrites pfp
Have three competing novel ideas and I'm paralysed about which to start next. 1. Literary dystopian 2. YA fantasy - contemporary 3. YA fantasy - ancient world All else being equal, which one would you prefer to read?
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NickyZwrites pfp
What do you do when you're just not "feeling it" for the writing practice? I'm in between novels - in submission for the first and not ready to start my next one yet. Tried writing short stories, which are not going well to say the least. Feel adrift, send halp please.
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NickyZwrites pfp
I think epic fantasy is amazing but I'm so daunted by the worldbuilding. How do you go about your worldbuilding?
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NickyZwrites pfp
That sounds really cool! Could come in handy for my YA fantasy that I'm trying (and failing) to write.
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NickyZwrites pfp
Agree 100%. It's much easier to edit *something* than *nothing*. I have a friend who's been writing and rewriting his first page for 3 years. After a point you gotta figure they're not actually interested in writing a book. Not really.
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NickyZwrites pfp
Annnd I think my first like and follow from this post is from a bot. *headdesk*
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NickyZwrites pfp
Interesting comparison between the two. I enjoyed The Secret History (intentional Crime & Punishment vibes). I enjoyed A Little Life while I was reading it, and the language was beautiful, but the plot was pure torture porn. I nearly walked out of the theatre adaptation because it felt like absurdist caricature.
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NickyZwrites pfp
It's pretty disheartening to see all my favourite channels being spammed by AI bots, AND those posts getting way more replies and likes than posts by real users.
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NickyZwrites pfp
For me it's Michael Cunningham's The Hours. A modern classic.
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NickyZwrites pfp
Worth clarifying that this is the International Booker, not the Booker itself.
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