NickyZwrites pfp



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NickyZwrites pfp
It occurred to me today that some people don't think there's a difference between the act of plotting vs the act of writing. To me they are worlds apart. Left brain vs right brain. Strategy vs execution. Best done in separate sessions. Then again, I've never been a pantser and can't even fathom how one could just write as you go. :D
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NickyZwrites pfp
I know I need to check out Substack and possibly start putting some work on there, but I'm so paralysed by new platforms. Any tips for a Substack newbie?
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NickyZwrites pfp
Have three competing novel ideas and I'm paralysed about which to start next. 1. Literary dystopian 2. YA fantasy - contemporary 3. YA fantasy - ancient world All else being equal, which one would you prefer to read?
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NickyZwrites pfp
What do you do when you're just not "feeling it" for the writing practice? I'm in between novels - in submission for the first and not ready to start my next one yet. Tried writing short stories, which are not going well to say the least. Feel adrift, send halp please.
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NickyZwrites pfp
It's pretty disheartening to see all my favourite channels being spammed by AI bots, AND those posts getting way more replies and likes than posts by real users.
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NickyZwrites pfp
An interesting example given in writing class where specific details brings you closer to the emotional truth. My grandmother made me soup when I was sick. vs My Hungarian grandmother made borscht when I was sick, stirring the pot while ash from her cigarette flaked into the soup.
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NickyZwrites pfp
Question for self-published writers: Did you try the trad publishing route first? If so, did you self-publish because you 1) weren't successful in getting trad representation; or 2) were successful in getting trad representation, but decided that self-publishing was better for you (financially, creatively etc)?
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NickyZwrites pfp
Haven't logged in Farcord for ages. Is Farcord still a thing? Do my posts here reflect on the other Farcaster clients?
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NickyZwrites pfp
How is it that you can just tell from the quality of the writing that someone won't be susceptible to constructive feedback? XD
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NickyZwrites pfp
What is the best short story you've read, and in your opinion what made it so good?
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NickyZwrites pfp
Officially back in the trenches - submitted my manuscript to a publisher 2 days ago. And now the waiting. I did not miss this.
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NickyZwrites pfp
One more pass at my rom-com manuscript then I'm querying publishers. Wish me luck!
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NickyZwrites pfp
What is the essence of a short story? I thought I knew, but after a ton of rejections and failure I'm no longer sure I actually know what a short story is or how to write one.
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NickyZwrites pfp
Failed to get into the shortlist for yet another short story competition. I swear I don't understand how short stories work.
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NickyZwrites pfp
Sent my draft manuscript to some beta readers and the initial feedback is "fun!" I mean, it's a rom-com, so I wasn't expecting to move heaven and earth. But it sure would be nice to get more than a one-word response.
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NickyZwrites pfp
This is a high-effort cast.
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NickyZwrites pfp
How long do you query a manuscript before you shelf it? I've been querying one YA fantasy ms on and off for a year and only received one full request (which I haven't heard back from after 4 months). Think it's time to consider self-publishing.
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NickyZwrites pfp
Most published writers I know don't make enough on books alone. They have to make their livings teaching other writers how to get published. Publishing is a pyramid scheme.
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