Nick Grossman pfp

Nick Grossman


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Nick Grossman pfp
Nick Grossman
what's amazing about @albertwenger is that he could give an equally detailed and relatable explanation of so many topics -- bitcoin, nuclear energy, calculus, and on and on and on. One of a kind.
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Nick Grossman pfp
Nick Grossman
Professor @albertwenger working whole the @usv team through some fundamentals of stats, ML and AI in our wednesday team meeting So fun and fortunate to have these gigabrains around and to make time for us to engage with them, and learn hard concepts as a team
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Nick Grossman pfp
Nick Grossman
Just got my Rabbit r1 in the mail, about to try it out for the first time Anyone here have one? Any reactions?
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Nick Grossman pfp
Nick Grossman
A sampling of the things that get discussed at the @usv office during a given week We talk about USV as “a conversation” and its pretty rangey but also along a pretty consistent set of through lines
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Nick Grossman pfp
Nick Grossman
More from Joe’s collection, that I’m slowly working through One treasure trove is this set of reel-to-reels, all jazz from the 1950s-70s Especially beautiful to appreciate the physicalness of analog media and equipment, given how digital everything is today Everything hand-labeled (with love)
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Nick Grossman pfp
Nick Grossman
Yes, interoperability FTW! This is just the beginning
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Nick Grossman pfp
Nick Grossman
My father-in-law Joe Kaplan, who passed away just about a year ago, was a beautiful person who loved beautiful things, and demonstrated commitment in a rare way. Here is his collection of “who’s who in baseball” dating from 1959-2016
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Nick Grossman pfp
Nick Grossman
So excited to see this come to life, and to be a part of it @literature and team have always been at the forefront of what's possible in social + web3 🚀 🚀 🚀
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Nick Grossman pfp
Nick Grossman
Meanwhile, Denis and team are announcing a new product, @kiosk that will continue to push the boundaries of what's possible in social + web3 + commerce with their new Farcaster client:
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Nick Grossman pfp
Nick Grossman
Big day today. So psyched to be announcing @usv's investment in @paragraph, and also that /paragraph and /mirror are joining forces to advance onchain publishing. So lucky to get to work with both @literature and @colin to push this space forward
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USV pfp
OH at @USV: a new experiment where an AI records our conversations during the current week, synthesizes themes from them and shares them with the world Week of Apr 22:
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USV pfp
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Nick Grossman pfp
Nick Grossman
USV's post on the @uniswap Well Notice It's terribly disappointing to continue to see the US government misunderstand the technology itself and also the importance of it, both for the US and for the world Let's keep building, and keep fighting -- all the way
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fredwilson pfp
Hi Casters. USV published this statement about the SEC's Wells Notice to our portfolio company Uniswap Labs today
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Nick Grossman pfp
Nick Grossman
100 $degen
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Nick Grossman pfp
Nick Grossman
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Nick Grossman pfp
Nick Grossman
Teach me the ways, Phil
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Nick Grossman pfp
Nick Grossman
“Mint that” gonna become a widespread new social primitive soon
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Nick Grossman pfp
Nick Grossman
Yes we may need to revisit this
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Nick Grossman pfp
Nick Grossman
100% agree
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