Nick Grossman pfp
Nick Grossman
Hey Casters: big question on my mind today is: politics of crypto / web3 is currently fucked. Biden admin is openly hostile, operation choke point 2.0 shutting down crypto banking, etc. Texas introducing "right to bear assets" bills (incredible term) etc. It's clearly partisan now. 1/x
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NickelJ3 pfp
I think the dividing line is eventually going to exist along existing ideological lines with crypto. If one way of thinking leads you to reject the government and go it alone, the other encourages cooperation and seeking a better future.
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CBobRobison pfp
Great term! Can you link to the bill? Tried to search for "right to bear assets" and couldn't turn any meaningful results 😬
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timdaub 🥝 pfp
timdaub 🥝
why do you need a right to bear Bitcoin?
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Noah Bragg 🐟🥔 pfp
Noah Bragg 🐟🥔
Going to be a lot of political drama. In one sense it shows that crypto is here. And it’s going to stay. They used to not even mention crypto. 😂
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Daniel Lombraña  pfp
Daniel Lombraña
Probably the first step for them is saying how bad everything is. Then they will have undo laws as people will keep using it. Hopefully they change their minds sooner than later.
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chris 🎩 pfp
chris 🎩
The weird thing about this to me is that crypto is one of the first technologies that actually lets us socialize *returns* to capital at scale. Should be something that makes the left leaning folks excited. But I guess it threatens role of government in some places…
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🎩 MxVoid 🎩 pfp
🎩 MxVoid 🎩
I propose we get @chainleft in front of some Democrat legislators. Also, we should remember that legislative reps listen to their constituents. @barmstrong’s most recent appearance on @bankless lays out a great crypto advocacy tool from CB. And remember, **snail mail is the best way to be heard by your reps.**
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Ian Place pfp
Ian Place
Wouldn’t call this partisan, it’s truthfully just shitty timing of crypto being provided services by less than stellar banks in a volatile macro environment. There’s been plenty of encouraging bi-partisan efforts to promote crypto adoption domestically.
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