Nick pfp



79 Following

Nick pfp
Bitcoin just crossed 100k in Australia. A sign of things to come for USD?
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Nick pfp
A warm Farcaster welcome to @cryptoduy!
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Nick pfp
Fidelity now starting to recommend a 1-3% crypto allocation in your portfolio depending on your risk appetite. They have 4.5 trillion assets under management. Extremely bullish long term!
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Nick pfp
Reddit invests Excess cash reserves into bitcoin and Ether. I reckon we will see more companies start to do that this year. Reddit have just gone public so they need to disclose their balances. Bullish for ETH.
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Nick pfp
Reddit invests Excess cash reserves into bitcoin and Ether. I reckon we will see more companies start to do that this year. Reddit have just gone public so they need to disclose their balances
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Nick pfp
Trump appearing to talk neither positively or negatively about bitcoin.
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Nick pfp
With the advent of roll ups as a service is possible to deploy your own layer 2 in a matter of minutes. I predict there will be a meme layer 2 before the end of the year! How long do others think it will take?
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Nick pfp
Node upgraded and ready for blobs!
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Nick pfp
Node is upgraded ready for blobs! Bring it on….
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Nick pfp
A warm Farcaster welcome to @phaxe!
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Nick pfp
How much disk space do I need as a validator after 4844. I currently have 2tb on the execution client and 1tb on the beacon/consensus. Is that enough?
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Nick pfp
A warm Farcaster welcome to @zedtee!
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Nick pfp
How much disk space do I need as a validator after 4844. I currently have 2tb on the execution client and 1tb on the beacon/consensus. Is that enough?
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Nick pfp
What will the solana phone nft do? Will it be airdrops? Gated experience?
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Nick pfp
Which layer 2 in bitcoin is the most trustless?
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Nick pfp
Existing validator here. I’ve already set my withdrawal address. Want to keep solo staking but I believe I would have to exit then restake so I can set withdrawal address to eigen pod. Anyone else in the same boat?
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Nick pfp
Snapshot for solana mobile being taken in the next 4 days. If you sign up as a founder now you get the opportunity to pay the phone off with airdrops
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Nick pfp
Has anyone seen any guides or are working on guides for solo eth stakers and getting involved in eigen DA?
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Nick pfp
I think this is a really great thread on the direction lightning on bitcoin is heading. Love seeing people optimistic instead of doom and gloom
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Nick pfp
Hello fellow Aussies. Just introducing myself to the channel. Based in Melbourne at Fireblocks, working out of upside DAO a few days a week
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