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nicholas 🧨
Thiel is right that restaurants are a terrible business, and yet I love a good restaurant (much more than I love Paypal)
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lovable products dont always make good businesses
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Gwynne Michele
Terrible by what indicators? Profit? Sure, they are absolutely terrible for that. But there's more to a fulfilling life and business than just profit.
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Danny Aranda
favorite restaurant?
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Lord Dalresin🐝
That’s why I opened @farkitchen The most tiring thing I’ve ever done, but I love it!
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We as a human collective have moved past the need for a Peter Thiel in this world. So sick of that dude and all his robot friends. Really just love humanity and want to be with people that sre human. I don't want his robot dreams for the future.
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Satoushi |SAT|
Do you try Indian restaurant!? They have a terrible business too , but when you try you fall in a love
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