Nichanan Kesonpat pfp

Nichanan Kesonpat


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Nichanan Kesonpat pfp
Nichanan Kesonpat
A memo on @safe - leading smart account provider, and one of the most Lindy products in web3
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Nichanan Kesonpat pfp
Nichanan Kesonpat
I just minted an onchain subscription to @cooprecs on!
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Nichanan Kesonpat pfp
Nichanan Kesonpat
For PR/comms it's things like coordinating press releases with the media for raise or big launch announcements. For internal network it's things like organising virtual workshops with invited speakers on security, tokenomics etc. and maintaining a knowledge base of relevant best practices/resources
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Nichanan Kesonpat pfp
Nichanan Kesonpat
My experience was primarily community initiatives that provides awareness boosts such as organising hacker houses, hackathons and conferences. For recruiting we keep track of high prio roles and send along candidates that come our way, or connect founders with our recruiter network
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Nichanan Kesonpat pfp
Nichanan Kesonpat
Good question! It varies a lot depending on the size of the VC and stage of their portcos. The role essentially coordinates various pillars of portco support: can be anything from community initiatives, recruiting, institutional BD, PR/comms, and internal resources and events to find synergies within our network
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Nichanan Kesonpat pfp
Nichanan Kesonpat
Admittedly haven't explored too many islands in SEA despite living in Thailand. Koh Tao/Lipe are probably favorites for the scuba spots Phangan has a nice community of tech and wellness folks but it's less accessible and I get island fever after a while, so can't do the digital nomad thing the way its advertised 😅
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Nichanan Kesonpat pfp
Nichanan Kesonpat
Not saying education isn't important, but the traditional system gives us a narrow view of what a high-potential person looks like, so it's best to keep biases in check when evaluating candidates and founders
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Nichanan Kesonpat pfp
Nichanan Kesonpat
At the start of my recruiting career I gave a lot of weight to things like Tier-1 schools/companies when looking at a candidate's background. While these give signal, some of the best hires didn't even go to school or did something like fix a major undiscovered bug in an OSS project
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Nichanan Kesonpat pfp
Nichanan Kesonpat
My 0-1 moment in web3 dev was doing a project for consensys' bootcamp where I built a fantasy football game on Ethereum 😅 I had the best time because I was building something I wish existed at the time, my few weeks working on that laid the foundation for my freelance roles
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Nichanan Kesonpat pfp
Nichanan Kesonpat
Early on I had a loose goal "learn to code" without real efforts to apply it, so I ended up watching a lot of videos and completing a few quizzes which gives the illusion of progress. But without applying it to something I didn't actually level up and hardly retained the theory.
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Nichanan Kesonpat pfp
Nichanan Kesonpat
I tried a lot of things: took 1-2 CS courses in college (I was a bio major), YouTube channels, freecodecamp, Consensys academy bootcamp for web3 development. The most effective way is to build something..
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Nichanan Kesonpat pfp
Nichanan Kesonpat
so tl;dr is to develop a habit of writing without viewing it as a monolith task of a long form polished piece - the pieces are a product of where your research/curiosity takes you but you get the raw materials by noting things down
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Nichanan Kesonpat pfp
Nichanan Kesonpat
By doing so you develop a habit of actively engaging with the information you consume, and can challenge it instead of taking it at face value This is where the most interesting ideas and content comes from IMO. When you have a good amount of notes and formulate an opinion, polishing and publishing becomes easier
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Nichanan Kesonpat pfp
Nichanan Kesonpat
I find it much easier to start writing without explicit intentions to publish. That way you are not holding yourself back prematurely by worrying about how others might react to your views, and you get your most authentic thoughts down
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Nichanan Kesonpat pfp
Nichanan Kesonpat
gm! I love seeing experiments around what's possible with NFTs. Dynamic/genart is only scratching the surface, my favourite research from last year was around multiplayer creativity (powered by NFTs as primitives) and dynamism
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Nichanan Kesonpat pfp
Nichanan Kesonpat
In between those: operated DAOs, organised virtual and IRL hackathons, ran hacker houses, conferences.. pretty much covered the roles available in web3 at this point besides cryptographer 😅 Looking forward to your questions
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Nichanan Kesonpat pfp
Nichanan Kesonpat
Hey all, great to be here 🙂 Quick snapshot of my journey - Tech recruiter at Instacart in SF - Technical blog on crypto which got me started in web3 - Learned Solidity and fullstack dev to do an NFT project in 2018 - Freelanced 2-3 years as a dev - Writing & research at 1kx for the past 2.5 years
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alec.eth @ ETHcc🔜🤠 pfp
alec.eth @ ETHcc🔜🤠
Announcing the next /jobs AMA guest, @nich. Nich just finished leading Platform and is now focusing on Research at @1kxnetwork. I'm most excited for this AMA because Nich has been all the personas in the audience. We plan to kick off the discussion at 11:00 AM EST (16:00 UTC) tomorrow. Come with questions for Nich
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Nichanan Kesonpat pfp
Nichanan Kesonpat
running urbit
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Nichanan Kesonpat pfp
Nichanan Kesonpat
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