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2 Months has passed since the nice token launch.
For our bad luck the day after the launch the market started to heavily crash, we did not have time to build a decent chart and motivate a community so noone was working for their $Nice bags, only the paid guys from TG and TW, it has been downhill since that, all the activities and airdrops had been instant sell, the market did not let people have confidence to hold their bags, ATM almost 95% of holders have sold their bags, it is what it is, sometimes it does not go our way.
The principal factor that influences the farcaster memecoin ecosystem is Farcaster users, there has been a heavy decline of farcaster users, no users, no consumers. Until that changes i don't believe is going to be a reversal trend on farcaster based memecoins even if the market improves only a few memecoins with presence over Twitter can have a comeback and there are not many... 1 reply
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