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What are "consumer crypto" apps you use on a daily basis?
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used daimo again at EthCC feels good man
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✳️ nibnalin on daimo
what can we do to make it daily use for you? :)
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don't send money every day so if you want to send me some I'll send some back :) getting my non-crypto native friends to accept usdc lol
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✳️ nibnalin on daimo
lol 😆 what’s the biggest blocker you see for getting your non-crypto native friends to try it?
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there's a lot bundled in that question It feels like the question of why aren't they sending USDC today? The barrier to use with off ramps and daily use of USDC is a barrier. Like I can't wait to spend on a daily basis without having to care if it's coming from my wallet or my bank account. Know the Gnosis card is released in Europe but waiting for more flexibility in the US
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