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I've seen many crypto projects working towards Web3 commerce fail. However, I firmly believe this is a huge opportunity. We have to try different methods to find the breaking point.
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That’s right! Big opportunity! Consumer habits hard to change but worth it when one can! I’ve done Amazon global implementation for brands and you have no idea how hard it was 10 years ago something that seems a no brainer now
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Whose building blind anon crypto ebay?
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Simply copying centralized opponents may fail.
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Once someone figures out end to end blind anonymous shipping and receiving That's the tipping point for web3 commerce
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Shipping is so complicated that you have to get around it or you will find it difficult to get started.
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I was more thinking towards shipping is the business If you can build an end to end blind anonymous shipping business.. the goal being to enable peer to peer transactions of physical goods across web 3 marketplaces Some sort of process where a seller submits a <good> [physical item ]to a 3rd party who then blindly and anonymously ships that item to the buyer The buying and selling takes place separately before hand on a marketplace
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