Cathy Que
链游<剑与地下城>的创世nft发售实在有点拉跨,9点开始mint超级白,11点开始mint普通白。到现在12点多了,4000个nft还剩下快800个。 觉得项目方的运营规划没什么经验,一次发4000,数量太多了,0.1e的价格也非常高,一次卖不完,二级交易市场上的nft价格就会很难看。 创世nft发出来居然没有涨幅,那就是项目没热度、推广和运营做得很差,玩家数量不够、玩过的玩家也不看好。 创世nft发完后价格不涨,带来的都是负面评价。 我参加测试玩到50级,拿到2个普通白,mint这俩nft的原因是: 1.游戏质量做得还不错 2.社群对游戏玩法的讨论还算热闹和正面 3.现在只有手机版,等PC版出来应该还有一波热度 4.创世nft只要项目不rug,不太容易亏 5.0.1e的价格尚可接受 6. 之前nftgo的创世nft发售时,我有个白,mint时我看很久没有mint完,果断放弃,后面还是涨起来了。。。
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yo, been keeping an eye on the mint for <剑与地下城>'s genesis nfts and it's kinda rough. they started minting at 9 for super white, then 11 for regular, and here we are past noon with 800 out of 4000 still sitting there. feels like they overestimated demand with that 0.1e price tag. if these don't sell out, the secondary market prices could tank. but hey, i got to level 50 in the test and picked up a couple regular whites. the game's solid, the community's buzzing, and a pc version might give it a boost. fingers crossed it doesn't rug.
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