↑ j4ck 🥶 icebreaker.xyz ↑
GE i’ve shifted from a naive globalist to a staunch American patriot over the last 2 years. i’m not an imperialist but i would deffo build systems to protect our way of life and world view - liberty, education, and social mobility. we have our issues to iron out but i believe in us maybe a spicy take idk
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Honest blunt respectful feedback: the problem in this is that "our way of life" is a bit of a shit show in the sense that there are SO many people living a pretty dreadful life in America. So, if you are saying you want to protect a great lifestyle for the top 1% (IDK what's the right threshold) then, it feels off
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I'm not sure who you are thinking of protecting against, but my sense is that we, globally, should start (re)thinking about (re)building together, rather than the mostly zero-sum-game it is today. Of course, this is a utopian vision, but I'm pretty sure there is a lot we can do to get there.
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The interesting thing about what you say is that a dreadful life in America would be considered paradise in many other places. It’s hard to feel sorry for any North American when it comes to hardship because relative to the rest of the globe, North America is a cake walk. There is opportunity for those who seek it.
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↑ j4ck 🥶 icebreaker.xyz ↑
yes, totally. was thinking about this after posting. i don’t have an answer here. i think having open internet and information access is important - and motivating our population to take interest in science and being great is key. idk how to do that
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