Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
Big props to Reddit for experimenting with contributor ownership, and I know this is totally the fault of regulation and not Reddit themselves, but this made me sad. This is why we crypto; it's a global economy.
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Nelson pfp
IMO going public here is the beginning of the end for Reddit. As it was for Facebook. Personally I’m shifting any time or energy I put into that platform over to Farcaster.
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Vitalik Buterin pfp
Vitalik Buterin
Going public in theory: you are owned by THE PUBLIC! It's democracy and it's a free market at the same time! Going public in practice: you are owned by Blackrock, and totally unaligned randos and lawyers collecting $6b paychecks. Community contributor airdrops are great, but they are one-time; need a rolling model
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