Nicolas Lebrun pfp

Nicolas Lebrun


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Nicolas Lebrun pfp
Nicolas Lebrun
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Nicolas Lebrun pfp
Nicolas Lebrun
🚨Quick announcement 🚨 We've reduced the number of Echo editions on /koda (from 256 to 192) and it's no longer necessary to have a cpu in your wallet to mint a new Echo. If you want to grab one, here is the link (you can also explore all editions already minted)
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Nicolas Lebrun pfp
Nicolas Lebrun
Quote your green art 🐍
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Nicolas Lebrun pfp
Nicolas Lebrun
GM a reminder: Art = Life
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Nicolas Lebrun pfp
Nicolas Lebrun
Last day to get Vertigo
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Nicolas Lebrun pfp
Nicolas Lebrun
Breathing architecture, paint and wood 2012-2024, Gianni Pettena.
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Nicolas Lebrun pfp
Nicolas Lebrun
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13 reactions

Nicolas Lebrun pfp
Nicolas Lebrun
.....................|TTTT\..................... ...../~\\\~......|||||||||\|\....../W\\\\\.. ........|...|...........TLUT][.......||||||... .........\\\\NNNN|||PbdY\\\.//////.... ...........The keyboard ghost........ ........has a message for you.......
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Nicolas Lebrun pfp
Nicolas Lebrun
I wanted to add some texts to my plots... I ended up with a custom SVG font (WIP). I still have to break these right angles with nice roundings
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Nicolas Lebrun pfp
Nicolas Lebrun
p-f_p #7 by Autonomatono from 'Visual Poetry' exhibition. I love the radical nature of this project.
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Nicolas Lebrun pfp
Nicolas Lebrun
First layer (watercolor), before my plotter will trace a bunch of lines
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Nicolas Lebrun pfp
Nicolas Lebrun
Some recents iterations of my current expérimentation (watercolor & penplotter)
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Nicolas Lebrun pfp
Nicolas Lebrun
Bird view
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Nicolas Lebrun pfp
Nicolas Lebrun
There were too many straight lines... I added a circle and small drops
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Nicolas Lebrun pfp
Nicolas Lebrun
gm, have a nice weekend
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Nicolas Lebrun pfp
Nicolas Lebrun
Not sure about this green
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Nicolas Lebrun pfp
Nicolas Lebrun
Nice channel idea. Here is my contribution. A fascinating book on the history of perspective. As the cover on the photo is in French, here is a link to an English version
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Nicolas Lebrun pfp
Nicolas Lebrun
gm, The least exciting part of the creative process
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Nicolas Lebrun pfp
Nicolas Lebrun
Current status
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Nicolas Lebrun pfp
Nicolas Lebrun
Stacks unstacked #57
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