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Linda Xie pfp
Linda Xie
Things I've gotten more comfortable with in product for Bountycaster since starting: - don't overanalyze - sometimes it's okay to just put things out there and see how users react to it (ideally minimal viable feature to reduce time cost) - most things are not one way door decisions
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Noah Bragg 🐟🥔 pfp
Noah Bragg 🐟🥔
Are you working solo? Do you do the dev work? How does Bountycaster make money? Just curious 😃
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Linda Xie pfp
Linda Xie
Nope, my cofounder @pirosb3 is solo dev. I focus more on product Right now we are bootstrapping and have received a grant from Base, small Purple retro funding, and degen airdrop / tips
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web3Gurung pfp
afaik @pirosb3 is the dev working behind making money is something I'm curious about. Maybe a % cut? Orc ould relying on grants / tips.
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