Noah Bragg ๐ŸŸ pfp
Noah Bragg ๐ŸŸ
What made crypto click for you?
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Noah Bragg ๐ŸŸ pfp
Noah Bragg ๐ŸŸ
For me it was seeing that there was demand for things that were built on top of the blockchain. NFTs in 2020. Seeing this opened up a ton of possibilities of what this tech could do.
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Shane Glynn pfp
Shane Glynn
I was a Washington Mutual customer in 2008.
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tldr (tim reilly) pfp
tldr (tim reilly)
1. In 2018, having more than one Chinese billionaire request to pay my edu company in BTC bc they couldnโ€™t clear >$50K/yr from state-run banks. 2. In 2019, realizing that both edges of US political spectrum would love similar chance to gatekeep our financial institutions. Crypto = credible digital ownership.
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kenny ๐ŸŽฉ pfp
kenny ๐ŸŽฉ
A random person that tipped me BTC on reddit + Andreas Antonopoulos vids
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Jackson ๐ŸŽฉ๐Ÿ–๐Ÿˆโ€โฌ› pfp
Jackson ๐ŸŽฉ๐Ÿ–๐Ÿˆโ€โฌ›
Replace guns with math
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Corbin Page ๐Ÿ‘‘๐ŸŽฉ pfp
Corbin Page ๐Ÿ‘‘๐ŸŽฉ
npm -i trufflesuite Sending value over the internet in one line of JavaScript. ๐Ÿคฏ
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Yash Karthik pfp
Yash Karthik
payable(address).call{value: 1 ether}(""); Sending money like it's some builtin function call !!
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Ayush pfp
PoW mechanism. Had spent a couple months trying to understand the btc white-paper in vain, all explainers talked of some kind of "voting" in the abstract. The first time I understood how voting actually works (building on top *is* the vote) it was too elegant!
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Hexidethmal ๐ŸŸช pfp
Hexidethmal ๐ŸŸช
Sending my first BTC transaction and knowing there was no third party involved. Pure magic.
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eunika๐Ÿ’ pfp
The idea of self auditing ledger and learning the history of ledgers in general and how rarely how we record transactions changed and when it did it lead to a massive economic shift throughout the history
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Jason โ€” ๐Ÿคš๐ŸŽฉ๐Ÿ–๐Ÿ”ต โ†‘ pfp
Jason โ€” ๐Ÿคš๐ŸŽฉ๐Ÿ–๐Ÿ”ต โ†‘
As a casual, Iโ€™m still looking for it to click
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Boris Mann pfp
Boris Mann
In 2016, inspired by the shared, backend as a service with built in identity, compute, and payment. Bought some ETH from Coinbase so that I could pay to deploy some custom contracts. Coming from an open source 1.0 background, shared code -> shared protocols -> shared infra makes a lot of sense.
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CBobRobison pfp
Bitcoin whitepaper 2011. Reading the Gawker article, seeing the crude early marketplaces emerge, installing nodes on a fleet of my university's computers.
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Dan Romero pfp
Dan Romero
Permissionless public blockchain is new type of computer.
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Caden pfp
blockchains as credibly neutral code execution owning digital assets again, like when we had MP3s, instead of buying a movie on YouTube where Google can take it away if they want transparent ledgers solving the double spend problem and guaranteeing honest accounting composable and interoperable primitives
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Matthew pfp
connecting the dots that ethereum is just like venmoโ€”itโ€™s a social network. venmo won bc it turns out people will give up a little privacy in exchange for seeing who their friends are sending money to, bc itโ€™s a proxy for who theyโ€™re spending time with. thatโ€™s why i think eth will dominate.
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Tomu pfp
2017 having ownership over my assets. much more now with content.
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manansh โ„๏ธ pfp
manansh โ„๏ธ
this ep
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0xl0wlevelcr0w pfp
I bought weed in like 2018 from a dispensary, and their payment system used litecoin to process a credit card.
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