Noah Bragg 🐟πŸ₯” pfp
Noah Bragg 🐟πŸ₯”
Tried my first informative @trustscore Twitter thread explaining a new project and any risks it may have. Response was meh.
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TrustScore pfp
Keep at it son.
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Ben Adamsky pfp
Ben Adamsky
Prob gonna take a lot of shouting into the void before a thread like that takes off. Nothing wrong with that though, @trustscore is a sick idea and can prob gain good traction if you keep experimenting w marketing Might be worth posting on HN bc they love calling crypto a scam, TrustScore seems right up their alley
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Manuel pfp
Trust score has 15k followers?? How? Teach me your ways πŸ™πŸ˜©. Didn’t you just launch?
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Jason β€” βšͺβ†‘πŸŽ© 🧾 pfp
Jason β€” βšͺβ†‘πŸŽ© 🧾
Guess it means you have to give it some edu-tainment and explain it in memes
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greys ↑  pfp
greys ↑
Just to have on your radar. I was on the team building their international product.
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