✨🌸nato-san🌸✨ pfp



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✨🌸nato-san🌸✨ pfp
今日は全然できてません! しかも、まだ出先💦 帰ったら頑張りますー Frame Created by @saxophone55.eth
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✨🌸nato-san🌸✨ pfp
スーパー銭湯で肉まぜうどん! 最近はこういうところのご飯も馬鹿にできない!
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✨🌸nato-san🌸✨ pfp
ITAP of Akashi Kaikyo Bridge! Filled with people fishing for squid!
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✨🌸nato-san🌸✨ pfp
職場の近くでお祭りやってたのでくまモン見に行ってきた! ピエロのバルーンアートがハイクオリティ!
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✨🌸nato-san🌸✨ pfp
I am confused by the channel change, but I will continue to Ham as usual! Ham is my life 🍖
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✨🌸nato-san🌸✨ pfp
I moved this /kawaii 🫶 /kawaii me by @sohe ! What do you think?
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✨🌸nato-san🌸✨ pfp
何が参加できてて、何ができてなくて、参加したいのにできない理由とか、翻弄されてますなう。 https://frame.weponder.io/api/polls/19543
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✨🌸nato-san🌸✨ pfp
@ace のチャンネル一覧! 懐かしいのもありますね! 私は全部参加しました! Perlって前にいくらかWarps払った気がするんだけど、いつから無くなったんだろう…🤔
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✨🌸nato-san🌸✨ pfp
⚠️ Don't need ❤️ and 🔁… But…
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✨🌸nato-san🌸✨ pfp
おはようございます。 チャンネルの変更でフードチャンネルにキャストできなくて朝から凹み中… ちゃんと調べなきゃ。 今日は朝からフレンチトースト焼いて、布団干して、掃除して、洗濯物片付けて…既に疲れて眠い😇 英語見る元気ない…
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✨🌸nato-san🌸✨ pfp
私にしては頑張りました… もう今日は無理です… おやすみなさい
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✨🌸nato-san🌸✨ pfp
I made several small logo stamps. How many do you know? Do you remember these? @matsuda
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✨🌸nato-san🌸✨ pfp
hihi I just boosted my FarScore by 0.019898 by locking 20 @g-mac.eth's Fan Tokens with MoxiePower! cc @betashop.eth
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✨🌸nato-san🌸✨ pfp
⚠️ Don't need ❤️ and 🔁…But…
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✨🌸nato-san🌸✨ pfp
I was surprised at the change!🫨 But what we do remains the same! https://frame.weponder.io/api/polls/18879
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✨🌸nato-san🌸✨ pfp
I enjoy all kinds of art. This is pancake art. I use only pancake batter, and illustrate it by making time differences in the cooking process. The result is not known until the pancake is flipped over. That moment is the best art!
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✨🌸nato-san🌸✨ pfp
I just minted an onchain subscription on Hypersub! I had forgotten that it ran out at the end of the month! My apologies! @pichi https://www.hypersub.xyz/s/anime-manga-1b21i475pflkw/1?referrer=0x324143e84ad529960e28b63eb0de213ddd7b3d95
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✨🌸nato-san🌸✨ pfp
⚠️ Don't need ❤️ and 🔁…But…
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✨🌸nato-san🌸✨ pfp
I made @tonyminh stamp‼️ I made a stamp, not an illustration. What do you think?
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✨🌸nato-san🌸✨ pfp
Ohayo Replyker‼️ The disabling of inactive followers is something we would pay a lot of attention to. But fear not! All we have to do is continue in the present. Replykeeeeeeeer‼️
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