Nathan Snell pfp

Nathan Snell


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Nathan Snell pfp
Nathan Snell
Some funny stats from the data we’re seeing on crypto vs. web3 language from our data and our own traffic. Miami, India, Pakistan are mostly web3. Silicon Valley and Texas are mostly crypto. NY is split.
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Nathan Snell pfp
Nathan Snell
So many in web3 treat users as just their on-chain activity while wanting to know more about what they’re doing off-chain. A users’ on-chain + off-chain actions = 🤯experiences. We’re seeing it more with projects we’re working with. It’s not as natural a thought as you might think.
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Nathan Snell pfp
Nathan Snell
Still getting into my FC groove. FC seems to have much better conversation than other platforms. It’s almost like a more social message board than an “announcement” platform.
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Nathan Snell pfp
Nathan Snell
Came across today. Cool web3 game. I sailed on a raft. Found a compass in the water. Held said compass. It did not help me find any other islands. Or how to do things. Still more fun than a handful of other game I’ve tried 🤐
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Nathan Snell pfp
Nathan Snell
Seeing some of the cool new stuff happening and being worked on in web3 gaming makes me excited. Both as a gamer and having a company that helps web3 games. 2023 is going to be sweet.
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Nathan Snell pfp
Nathan Snell
Non-crypto interests: - game design - grilling / smoking (bbq, brisket, queso, etc) - card games - Jesus - pickle ball - dinner with friends Picked up smoking (not sure the best way to describe that different than grilling) a year ago. So oddly relaxing and delicious.
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Nathan Snell pfp
Nathan Snell
Whew. Busy week. We shipped a TON this week though to further support our web3 audience targeting which customers have been liking. Now the weekend… but the challenge is I don’t want to stop building 🤔
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Nathan Snell pfp
Nathan Snell
We’re starting to roll out content to help folks. Curious folks thoughts on medium v. Substack v. Mirror. I’d like to do mirror, but the SEO factor from google on medium is pretty strong from my tests (Substack seems like the worst)
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Nathan Snell pfp
Nathan Snell
Excited - this past week we moved out of stealth mode. We made some early pivots before landing where we’re at. We’re building a no-code/low-code platform focused on the marketing, biz dev, and product roles at projects - helping them understand and engage their users (grow) in a web3 native way using web2+web3 d
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Nathan Snell pfp
Nathan Snell
A tidbit for my FC friends. Retention is the killer thing not focused on. We did some looks at Bounties with Raleon to see retention impact. Recovered are users who were “lost” but they’re now active again. Missed oppty. More data to come.
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Nathan Snell pfp
Nathan Snell
I wonder how much the success of crypto broadly will require a societal value shift back toward own vs rent. Ie. I rent access to music (Spotify) and videos (Netflix) where I used to own CD and DVDs.
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Nathan Snell pfp
Nathan Snell
Airdrops sentiment seems to be falling out of favor (coin or NFT). I get why, but would also love to hear peoples thoughts as they’ve clearly worked previously. Last data I saw airdrops for acquisition is 5x normal CAC costs. Do they just need to be improved in some way?
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Nathan Snell pfp
Nathan Snell
As more content goes on-chain, including social, I wonder if we’ll get a better rss reader? Or maybe it’s already in process?
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