Nastya pfp



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Nastya pfp
Introducing CastAlertsBot - a telegram bot to receive notifications about new casts based on your filters. Currently, it supports the following filters: - Keywords - Embed URLS - Channels Try it out
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Nastya pfp
I've made a guide on how to create a Farcaster bot for human-readable on-chain alerts. For the demo, I used /friendtech contract on /base PS: You don't need Neynar or other APIs to create Farcaster signer. The repo has a script to generate it
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Nastya pfp
I've made a small gist that registers a signer for your Farcaster account. You can use the signer's private key to programmatically publish casts / make bots
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Nastya pfp
I'm trying to create a signer using farcaster-js-cli. I selected the "developer" type, put my Farcaster recovery phrase, and the transaction was created. But where can I find a signer having this transaction? Especially the singer's private key?
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Nastya pfp
Testing how code looks in a reader frame
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Nastya pfp
Sakura season in Berlin 🌸
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Nastya pfp
Why are lots of reputation protocols building a scoring system? It feels so wrong to give some obscure score based mostly on your wallet history and on-chain services that most normal people have never used
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Nastya pfp
Effect TS library that utilizes functional programming principles and could become the next "React" but for TS devs has raised $2mlns and released a stable version 🚀
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Nastya pfp
dog with noggles ⌐◨-◨
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Nastya pfp
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Nastya pfp
What stack for analyzing blockchain data without writing SQL? I mean, often python and notebooks are used for data analysis, and I'm wondering if there are tools that support querying and visualizing blockchain data by writing code instead of SQL
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Nastya pfp
When various web3 projects share their good-looking growing user charts, I always have one question - would these users go there if the protocol did not pay them / promise airdrop someday? Maybe my brain is still too Web2 and always thinks about the product first
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Nastya pfp
Omg, I’m not alone struggling with sickness after Denver
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Nastya pfp
Found tornado-core contracts written ~4y ago to still be a great source of understanding how to build zk app
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Nastya pfp
Several people have told me it's dangerous to walk outside in the dark in Denver. I'm staying in the rino area. Is it true? What could happen?
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Nastya pfp
heading to ETH Denver, this time will be building at ZK hacker house 👩‍💻
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Nastya pfp
For non-EN speakers living abroad - reaching a larger audience can be so much easier by writing in native language. I wrote about my hacking experience in a local IT community and received >1k views in 2 days, and >10 people reached out directly - all without any subscribers/promo. Can't imagine the same for EN post.
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Nastya pfp
Is there nextjs template with the app that generates proofs?
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Nastya pfp
I've created a tool that lets you share any article as a Farcaster Frame to read the entire article inline. Works great with substack and similar platforms. Try it here 👉 Looking for feedback or any suggestions
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Nastya pfp
Warpcast uses Amplitude for user analytics. Product development in Web3 is not as different from Web2 as many people think
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