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Hey @realitycrafter.eth could you help us as you are the owner of the /lum channel we are having an issue with some user whom are farming on the channel, could you do something about them remove/disqualify? or add a moderator as @proxystudio.eth is a moderator he looked into stepping down and let me do it but he doesn't have the authorization. Anyway the accounts that are concerned are yanguma77, Anjaya ,Handayani ,gulminajah12 ,walawunitaa its 5 accounts who plagiarised other ideas then like and recaste each other for the reward. Thanks CC @naaate
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Thanks! Do you know if banning them is enough? Or do I also need to disqualify them in And am I able to disqualify after the round has ended? @seneca or someone else have a quick answer to this?
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I think you have to disqualify them on you are the moderator or add another moderator to help you. But try banning them and see if they appear in the channel. Thanks for listening. @seneca
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Go to Then click on the one you created and then go on moderator view I think there you will be able to to disqualify them. If you check from the newest might be easier that way they did I think a total of 25 cast together
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