Nico.cast🎩  pfp
I love POAPs, but why do I have to contact them to register an event? Feels very anti-crypto
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Max 🎩 /muse 🔜 FarCon pfp
Max 🎩 /muse 🔜 FarCon
hyperstructure or bust! POAP needs an open on-chain registry!
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m_j_r pfp
100%, the other thing that bothers me is how insufficient it is for viral IRL assembly. would be excellent if organizers could each have a "kiosk" that allows minters to create derivative kiosks. we need a significantly more permissionless event badge mechanism.
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Matthew pfp
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Daniel Keller pfp
Daniel Keller
It’s a good usecase for FOAM protocol proof of location
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huugo pfp
Also, they maintain admin privileges to any POAP in your wallet 😳
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Jonny Mack pfp
Jonny Mack
pretty sure poaps require approval from @br1an.eth
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llbxdll pfp
POAPs are wack now. Awardables are way cooler.
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Mac Budkowski 🥝 pfp
Mac Budkowski 🥝
They want to prevent SPAM IIRC since these POAPs are free to claim. Maybe when they improve the Gnosis Chain performance they'll be more open 🤔
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slobo pfp
no one appreciates the garbage man keeping things clean is hard in general keeping things clean in an anonymous world is harder 
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