Mỹ lệ pfp

Mỹ lệ


2500 Following

Mỹ lệ pfp
Mỹ lệ
Childhood https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcScyzMz0fB_VZzxOpy3_FjWybfqlUuPSXJlIg&s
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36 recasts
77 reactions

zMinh Khuê pfp
zMinh Khuê
Discover the magic hidden within each puppet mask 🎭✨ https://i.pinimg.com/736x/66/6b/67/666b67a3070e982997d67b1d1a929111.jpg
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33 recasts
73 reactions

Quỳnh Hoa  Ⓜ️🎩 pfp
Quỳnh Hoa Ⓜ️🎩
I'm saying my piece in the #futureofsocial by signing the t2world.lens manifesto. Which values do you support? https://manifesto-app.t2.world/share/clfwq68sk229121fmc8jsxklkd
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28 recasts
50 reactions

Mỹ lệ pfp
Mỹ lệ
tụi tao cũng muốn biết thêm về vấn đề này! Mlem mlem! 🎁 @tranhuutai
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Tran Huu Tai pfp
Tran Huu Tai
One more giveaway to wrap up the day… 💸 First five people who don’t currently hold $CHAOS but want to participate in the Buttrfly Points multiplier this week. Raise your hand in the comments and I’ll tip you some $CHAOS tokens! 🙋
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55 recasts
109 reactions

Phương Milkita 🎭 pfp
Phương Milkita 🎭
2024 was a wild ride. Wins, losses, chaos, and moments that made it all worth it—my wallet lived it all. IntractCampaign and Optimism turned those moments into something unforgettable. See your own story come to life with IntractRewind2024 👉 https://persona.intract.io/rewind/superchain/nft-profile?address=0xc6f5f0f619148317025ee9527384971b2e61b377\&templateType=NftMint\&id=1734787236143
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89 recasts
172 reactions

Mỹ lệ pfp
Mỹ lệ
tôi rất thích những bài viết hài hước nhưng vẫn mang ý nghĩa! Thương quá! 🤗💞😆
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0 reaction

Thanh Hai Ⓜ️🎩 pfp
Thanh Hai Ⓜ️🎩
ex-navy seal cameron starts streaming, launches $CAM, buys cat ears you love to see it only on unlonely.lens
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77 recasts
169 reactions

Phạm Hồng Sơn 🎩 pfp
Phạm Hồng Sơn 🎩
I just voted "For" on "Establishing a DAO Events Budget for 2025" https://snapshot.org/#/arbitrumfoundation.eth/proposal/0xdfe7bf7e5bc227fc06765f37d9d9ecd1371e637b93b574ae4cc4c1d345cd648f #SnapshotVote
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67 recasts
146 reactions

Mỹ lệ pfp
Mỹ lệ
Ủa bạn! Have you had any moments of joy today? 😘🤩 @0xtu
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zTú Anh pfp
zTú Anh
Let your performance speak volumes on stage 🎭 https://i.pinimg.com/736x/3d/c0/7a/3dc07a471e9766f756a2298130661442.jpg
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36 recasts
83 reactions

Mỹ lệ pfp
Mỹ lệ
Kỳ ta! Seize the day and make it yours!
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0 reaction

Tinhca🎭 pfp
Watch as puppets turn everyday moments into magical experiences mask 🎭✨ https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f6/6d/28/f66d28ca5237f9efd573efc9a72bf3d5.jpg
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22 recasts
49 reactions

Hạnh Hoài pfp
Hạnh Hoài
Gm Gm! https://ik.imagekit.io/lens/media-snapshot/4a518fe0c52bbfaa06e39d33cb1aa194868a8b34f882fd21d2b15c6cde1f2a70.jpg
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36 recasts
69 reactions

Diamonder pfp
"The future of finance is decentralized." https://i.pinimg.com/236x/29/f7/3c/29f73cea02c2f95cd258ed7bbad37b4a.jpg
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73 recasts
259 reactions

Harvy💕🎩🎭 pfp
0 reply
96 recasts
189 reactions

Seraphin pfp
"The future will see enhanced tools for crypto trading and investment." https://i.pinimg.com/236x/6b/9e/d1/6b9ed1e805a203ea7b07f4be2fe22d00.jpg
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82 recasts
276 reactions

Mỹ lệ pfp
Mỹ lệ
Tuỵt vời! tui sẽ tiếp tục theo dõi bài viết của bro!
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0 reaction

Mỹ lệ pfp
Mỹ lệ
bullish https://gw.ipfs-lens.dev/ipfs/QmTEvsZ3K1BQuCw8EbogvrywA7y2eHLCr9bxLUyL6suphh
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15 recasts
24 reactions

Như Thiên 🎭🎭🎭🎩 pfp
Như Thiên 🎭🎭🎭🎩
participated in ZRO governance and I just completed "Vote on ZRO Governance" on Layer3 - <https://app.layer3.xyz/quests/vote-on-zro-governance>
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23 recasts
49 reactions