Myk.eth pfp



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Myk.eth pfp
In celebration of today's shout out, I've opened a @rounds for 🌭 Log a Dog! Cast a video or photo of you eating a hotdog in /logadog with the text $LOG to be eligible (this will automatically post your cast on Round is open: now - 12pmET Jun 24 nom nom nom
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Myk.eth pfp
shipping my little tuchus off and big things are happening!
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Myk.eth pfp
Base Token Store now supports dark mode by @mochitoken! Spare your eyes when adding tokens to your cart late at night... you degen, you... try it out:
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Myk.eth pfp
reflecting on my $BUILD nomination from @jessepollak this season. is Jesse the Mick Jagger of crypto? mint and listen to the full episode of the /tastepod! shout out @kellykim.eth
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Myk.eth pfp
excuse me while I register smart.myk.eth
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Myk.eth pfp
Happy Father’s Day! 🚲 Touching grass with my dad today He’s based
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Myk.eth pfp
🎙️ It’s live! Checkout this episode of TA$TE with @kellykim.eth where we 🌭 Log a Dog together, talk about hotdogs & bringing them onchain!
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Myk.eth pfp
The world needs more journalism like this
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Myk.eth pfp
my buddy Ollie passed 10 years ago - he was a real OG 🐈‍⬛
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Myk.eth pfp
Attn @base token communities: many more tokens are now available on the! if your token is not on the base-memes @coingecko list, you can now search for your token by name. if your search gets no results, you are presented with a random cat meme from /pawthereum. Any token community can contribute features like this to gain exposure! github:
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Myk.eth pfp
Pawthereum has an active @rounds! Post a video or picture of your pet to get rewarded with $PAWTH! If you hold $PAWTH, like the posts that you enjoy to affect the distribution of the rewards. Let's see those cute wittle frens!
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Myk.eth pfp
@baseddesigner.eth sent me a design for yesterday afternoon. I implemented it after work and the app looks 1000x better. @wbnns posts saying building in public should tell a story, so I tell one Brian Armstrong replies “Winning” Base Token Store is open source. We are building this in the open, together. Contribute a feature for your community and get attribution for it. They say if you want to go fast, go alone — if you want to go far, go together. 🏎️ Strap in. We’re doing both.
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Myk.eth pfp
Sat: Get the idea while at a wedding Sun: Rush home to build. Post a demo in /base-builds. @jessepollak recasts Mon: Get it off of localhost Tue: Brian Armstrong retweets it Wed: Ppl reach out to help Thu: Open source it & implement feedback Building in the open as a competitive advantage:
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Myk.eth pfp
How @coolbeans1r.eth makes me feel about creating /logadog
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Myk.eth pfp
Base Token Store is live and open source! Calling upon all @base token communities to build this together and contribute Vision: Buying a token on Base is easier than buying a product on an e-commerce site Mission: Make every Base token available with Smart Wallets
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Myk.eth pfp
Idk what I did for the pfp to not appear but that’s gotta be rare af
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Myk.eth pfp
Invite codez for whoever needs em for da scoops 🍦
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Myk.eth pfp
Claiming my /scoop profile with address: 0x792422d55C1E06ff77A84a57E4330d33EB7226d7 let the scoop wars begin 🍦
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Myk.eth pfp
Hey @baseddesigner.eth, I am trying to get into /scoop app can you please gib an invite
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Myk.eth pfp
stoked to have a /vrbs grant streaming funds to the @pawthereum DAO! lets onboard every animal welfare organization to onchain fundraising!
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