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🎩 MxVoid 🎩 pfp
🎩 MxVoid 🎩
I’m one of maybe 5-10 Farcasters who semi-regularly skeets on Bluesky, too. (Hi @vgr and @tomato.eth!) I was curious about the sort of takes Blooskis have on Farcaster, and found that everyone’s least favorite crypto skeptic David Gerard (vs. Molly White, whom a bunch of us *actually like,* but, 🤫) has a take:
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🎩 MxVoid 🎩 pfp
🎩 MxVoid 🎩
Also, I was there when a bunch of cryptoartists and Web3 people showed up on Bluesky, stayed for a week, and then left. It was the natural effect of churn plus the lack of GIFs and videos. Ya’ll left long before the vocally hostile anti-NFT/anti-crypto contingent showed up.
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tomato pfp
If you see the crypto world as a gigantic scam, then that's a pretty reasonable take.
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Claus Wilke pfp
Claus Wilke
This reminds me. I haven't check BlueSky in a while. Still steadily gaining followers there. Even some interesting posts in my feed. All my science friends moved from Twitter to BlueSky last year, but now enough of them are back on Twitter that I'm not sure I need a third social network.
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Cliff Blank pfp
Cliff Blank
And me... but I copy and paste. So that's a bit of a cheat.
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