🎩 MxVoid 🎩 pfp
🎩 MxVoid 🎩
Ooof. Wall Street is unimpressed. I’m still bullish on Apple, but, NFA, DYOR.
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Victor Ma 🧾 pfp
Victor Ma 🧾
loving unity though
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greys ↑ pfp
greys ↑
Wall Street is dumb. Trust me.
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Steve pfp
That’s just early adopters selling to afford the preorder
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Bias πŸ«§πŸ—Ώ 𝙰𝙷𝙰 pfp
Bias πŸ«§πŸ—Ώ 𝙰𝙷𝙰
This happens literally every time anything is announced. I think it even happened when the iPhone was announced.
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🌹 Zach Harris πŸ₯€ pfp
🌹 Zach Harris πŸ₯€
Closed sub 180
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